A litho engraver by training, Jean SOYER carried out his career in various fields of creation (designer, illustrator, artistic director). He embraces the career of painter from 1987.

"Lines of force and energy centers, flamboyant colors that seem to move at different levels: light and its dramatic contrasts give an almost archaic intensity to the works of Jean Soyer
This French painter, who exhibited at Paris Orly airport, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and in Brussels, on the roof of the Grande Arche Paris la Défense, invites us to visualize an interior world of great expressive richness. The gesture is vital, the creamy paste; the bright color opposes the black - the yellow, the red, the white which opens the space seem to arise magically from the pictorial act itself. Here is a painting that breathes freedom, an art that masterfully brings together volumes and the momentum of movement. We think of action painting by looking at a black movement that develops on a red background, impetuous whirlwind accentuated by a white trace. But Jean Soyer's signature also guarantees a balanced and imposing composition; his sense of volume undoubtedly makes him closer to Franz Kline than to Willem de Kooning. The paint applied with a knife, the bold and sure brushstroke, the movement which becomes colored and appears conquering or peaceful: one is struck by a vital marriage of radiant oppositions; light gives life to a geometry of the origins.
Abstraction is dynamic. The inner vision is expressed in voluble gestures, the dough spreads without heaviness.

We also like these light reflections like subtle echoes that come to touch the black. A very present black which vibrates the other colors, mauve or sensual ocher. The force of the momentum can be crossed by branded lines full of finesse. Shadows and lights give birth to different planes, traces of red illuminate the white, black and gray with a volume that rises like a sign.
Nothing is ever compact, black has its shade of shade, slight irregularities give a natural life to the paintings. The colors are charged with a vibrant emotion, we linger in front of a dazzling vermilion red, we notice super-positions of carmine red, transparent, as if reality consisted of leaves that we could turn one by one. "

Hilda Van Heel – Luxembourg Wort

“Faced with Jean Soyer's works, we are propelled to the heart of the creative process. In front of us are expressed mergers, connections, creative palpitations. Darkness and clarity seek, recognize, unite; the masses assess each other, meet, touch, kiss. It is in fact the spectacle of the unfinished being played out before our eyes, a sublimated, vibrant and moving vision of creation in movement.
Passion and meditation, strength and softness, shade and light
"It’s a passion painting, a painting of fire" - Patrice de la Perrière - World of Arts

"Desire and pictorial impatience" - Gérard Gamand - AZART Art Magazine

"A passion painting to taste ... without restraint" - Maïa de Rochefort - Arts Gazette International

"Like a poem running on the surface of reality" - Camille Vidal - Poet

"The luminous music of the painter Jean Soyer" - West France

"Like a volcano ..." - M. G. Is Republican

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